Jun 29, 2013

Only two districts sent VEOs seniority list to CRD

As per reports from CRD Ernakulam and Thrissur districts has returned the modified seniority list to CRD

Jun 25, 2013

RD department general transfer queue list published

VEO"sGeneral Transfer Queue List Published

Thiruvananthapuram. RD department Published draft queue list of Village Extension Officers applied for general transfer.21 VEOs were included in the list.

Jun 20, 2013

provident fund in 3 days

New Delhi: Retirement fund body Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) is planning to settle all claims like transfer and withdrawal of provident fund (PF) within three days, a move that will benefit over one crore such claimants every year.
In order to give effect to the proposal of expeditious settlement of claims, EPFO has called a meeting of all zonal heads on July 5, to draw an action plan.
     The body is expecting 1.2 crore claims in the current fiscal and hopes that if around 70 per cent of those are settled in three days, then about 84 lakh claimants would be benefited.

Jun 19, 2013

KEAM 2013 rank list published

The rank list for admission to Engineering Courses 2013, are published
herewith. The results will be published through media. It will be available at the
Office of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations and on the website
The Entrance Examination for Engineering courses 2013 was conducted on 22nd
(Paper-I Physics & Chemistry) and 23rd (Paper – II Mathematics) April 2013. 
The markssecured by the candidates in the Entrance Examination were published on 23.05.2013.

Keam 2013 --- Engineering Rank 


Thiruvananthapuram.Plus one results / DHSE First year results published 

VIEW PLUS ONE Results - March 2013 

MGNREGS- permitted works list published

Thiruvananthapuram. Govt have published the detailed list  including all the permissible works in MGNREGS

Jun 18, 2013

NREGA wages through e-payment system

Meenangadi: All employees working under the NREGA scheme would get payment directly to their bank accounts through electronic fund management system. Instead of giving cheque, employees can withdraw the money directly. The first phase of the project was inaugurated at Meenangadi village panchayat. The new system will come into effect soon once the work is completed. At present employees need to wait for a maximum of 14 days for the attendance sheet to reach office and to get their pay. The project would be extended to all panchayats in Wayanad by next month. In Meenangadi there are 5500 working under NREGA.

Jun 17, 2013

LDC Notification 2013 published soon

Kerala PSC decided to publish LDC notification this month as per the reports the notification will be published on 29th June .Also decided the Examination Dates and Syllabus. KPSC aims to publish the rank list on or before 13th March 2015.
The exam schedule as follows

Jun 16, 2013


The Directorate of Higher Secondary Education on Saturday published the first seat allotment list for Plus One courses. The details can be had on www.hscap.kerala.gov.in.

In a release, Director Keshvendra Kumar said candidates who figured on the first list should get themselves admitted in the schools allotted to them before 5 p.m. on June 19. As many as 4, 92,923 had given applications for admission to Plus One courses and 1,88, 475 figured on the first list.

Plus One First Allotment Results 

Jun 15, 2013

State level seniority list of LDC in panchayaths published

Panchayath Department: Clerk ,enior Clerk ratio Re fixed Orders Issued

Panchayath director issued proceedings re fixing number of posts of  Clerks and Senior clerks in Panchayath Department. As per the fixation, total clerical strength was 7263 out of 3632 were clerks and 3631 senior clerks.

Jun 11, 2013

Panchayath committe's power to appoint Kudumbashree member secretary withdrawn

Thiruvananthapuram. For giving duties to the assistant secretaries
LSGD department withdrawed the power of panchayath committee's to
appoint any one of its employees as the charge officer of Kudumbashree
. As per the new order to appoint assistant secretaries as the charge
officer is mandatory. Earlier committee can change the charge officer
when ever necessary . But now it is not possible . That is that power
is taken back.

assistant secretary become the implementing officer of MGNREGS and member secretary of Kudumbashree -order issued

Jun 10, 2013

Advance for the purchase of Mosquito net and Bicycle purchase order issued

All the Heads of Departments are instructed to furnish the statement in duplicate showing the,amount required for sanctioning Mosquito Net Advance ond Cycle Advance to the Employees of the Deportment for the year 2013-14. The eligibility criteria for sanctioning these advances is as follows:-

CycleAdvonce -l - Rs2,OOO/ - (for those drawing a basic
Pay below 14,620/ -).
Mosquito Net Advance Rs2OO/- (for those drawing a basic
1 Pay below 18,740/-).

VIEW Circular No 49/2013/Fin Dated 30/05/2013

Kudumbashree starts training module for the implementation of such groups in northern states

Thiruvananathapuram.Kudumbashree starts  training module for the implementation of such groups in 7 northern states in the country.The training modules are being prepared to help the rural resource persons to work under  the national Resource Organization (NRO) and to promote Kudumbashree model microfinancing and microenterprises in other states. The NRO secretariat of Kudumbashree Mission will prepare the modules after a first round of interaction with the applicants, who have expressed their willingness to work as resource persons outside Kerala.
District-level Kudumbashree missions are forwarding the applications of those who have proper knowledge on the operations of Kudumbashree and panchayats. Hence, our focus will be to familiarize the select resource persons with the living conditions, culture and language of particular states

PLUS ONE admission 2013 trial allotment


EXAMINATION DATE08/06/2013 Saturday

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