Jun 20, 2015

Kerala panchayath election 2015 voters list published

State election commission have published the voters list by online. Anyone can view voters list booth wise or check voters list with Election ID cards.

Click the button below for searching Voter Details
Search Voter
Click the button below for viewing Voter's List
View Voter's List

Status and Term of office

The State Election Commissioner shall have the status equal to that of the High Court Judge.
The State Election Commissioner shall hold office for a term of five years from the date on which he assumes Office.
Provided that where the State Election Commissioner attains the age of sixty five years before the expiry of the said term of five years, he shall vacate his office on the date on which he attains such age. Provided further that the State Election Commissioner, may, at any time; by writing under his hand addressed to the Governor, resign his office.

Prohibition of acceptance of any office of profit after demission of office:-  The State Election Commissioner shall not acceptor hold any office of profit under the State Government or any Panchayath Municipality after demission  of office on completion of the terms specified in rule 4 or on resignation.

1 comment:

  1. prahladan ,sunithakumari dherajbhavan ward no. VIII karavaram village
    since 2010 not leaving in this panchayat ,till existing on voter's list.
    manu parayankonam , pankajakshi parayankonam ward VIII Kravaram village
    are expired till in voter's list 2015 october.
