Dec 16, 2013

IAY guidelines modified - household with a single girl child will get first priority

Newdelhi. central govt have modified the IAY guidseline for the year 2013-14 which have published June 2013. and give first priority to  Households with a single girl child.

 priority as per guideline

to cover eligible beneficiaries of certain categories who may be 
living scattered within a Village Panchayat, the individual household approach can 
be used: While following this approach, first priority should be given to families 
of manual scavengers, including those rehabilitated and rehabilitated bonded 
labourers. Thereafter the priority to be adhered to is as follows:- 
(i) Women in difficult circumstances, including widows, those divorced or 
deserted, women victims of atrocities and those whose husbands are 
missing for at least three years, and, women headed families. 
(ii) Mentally challenged persons (with at least 40% disability) 
(iii) Physically challenged persons (with at least 40% disability) 
(iv) Transgender persons 
(v) Widows and next-of-kin of members of defence/paramilitary/police 
forces killed in action (even if not BPL); 
(vi) Other houseless BPL families

Newly added priorities

(I) (a) Households with a single girl child.
(vi) Households where a member is suffering from Leprosy or Cancer.
(vii) People living with HIV (PLHIV)

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