The Seventh Central Pay Commission has been constituted by the Government on 28 February 2014 to examine various issues relating to emoluments’ structure, retirement benefits and other service conditions of Central Government employees and to make recommendations on the changes required.
For facilitating the above task as mandated by the Commission’s terms of reference a questionnaire has been designed to seek the considered views of all stakeholders. The questionnaire seeks responses on 42 queries grouped under 15 topics. The replies may please be framed in a concise manner, and for each query the length may be limited to the ceiling indicated against the query.
Members of the general public are invited to send their replies online. Organizations/individuals may indicate their names, mailing address, telephone and email as required in the next page, following which they would be directed to the questionnaire.
1. This link shall remain active until 1700 hours of 15th June, 2014
2. Allowed Characters in your response are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, (, ), {, }, :, &, %, @, $, *, ?, ;, +, =, _, [, ], ., -, #, '